Acacia charcoal

Charcoal made from Nigerian Acacia trees is a high-quality, sustainable, and eco-friendly source of fuel.
Nigerian Acacia trees are found in the arid savannah regions of Nigeria, where they grow in abundance and provide an important source of income and livelihood for local communities.

To make charcoal from Nigerian Acacia trees, the wood is first harvested and then stacked into piles, which are then covered with soil and allowed to smolder for several days. This process, known as pyrolysis, converts the wood into charcoal, which is then collected and sold.

Nigerian Acacia charcoal is highly valued for its superior burning properties. It produces a high heat output and burns for a long time, making it ideal for use in cooking and heating. It also has a low ash content  making it a more environmentally friendly option.

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Sizco premium hardwood charcoal – made from the finest quality hardwood, our charcoal burns longer, hotter, and cleaner


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